fDi Institute - the e-learning platform for economic development
August 3, 2023
Economic development professionals work hard to gain the skills and expertise needed to represent their regions. This means not only the foundational education on corporate strategies, commercial real estate, foreign direct investment, site readiness, place marketing, and more but also staying on top of constantly shifting market dynamics and industry trends. The new e-learning platform launched as part of fDi Institute puts this professional development easily within reach - no matter where you are located.
fDi Institute is a subscription online service with 14 impeccably designed learning modules, providing best practices material across all spheres of the economic development process. Completing each module grants the user professional certification to attest to their mastery. Subscribers also benefit from access to specifically developed report content and our latest thinking on issues from policy to practice.
What does it cover?
The 14 core courses within this digital learning platform cover a wide variety of subject categories, including Foreign Direct Investment Definition & Trends, Investor Targeting & Lead Generation, Best Practices in Aftercare and Business Retention & Expansion (BRE), Assessing and Promoting Investment Projects Ready to Offer, and Marketing a Location. They are all designed around key learning outcomes with ongoing assessment.